38-Step (a.k.a. “Slapping Leather”)
Choreographed by Gayle Brandon
Description:40 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance
1 Rise up on your toes and turn them in towards one another
2 Feet back center
3 Rise up on your toes and turn them in towards one another
4 Feet back center
5 Point your right toe to the right side
6 Feet together
7 Point your left toe to the left side
8 Feet together
9 Point your right toe to the right side
10 Feet together
11 Point your left to to the left side
12 Feet together
13 Touch right heel to the floor directly out in front
14 Touch right heel to the floor directly out in front (heel, heel)
15 Touch right toe to the floor directly behind you
16 Touch right toe to the floor directly behind you (toe, toe)
17 Point right toe to the front (12:00)
18 Point right toe to the right side (3:00)
19 Cross right leg behind the left knee and hit your boot (9:00)
20 Point right toe to the right side (3:00)
21 Cross right leg behind the left knee and hit your boot (9:00)
22 Point right toe to the right side (3:00)
23 Cross right leg in front of your left knee as you turn ¼ to the left and slap your boot on the inside of the foot
24 Slap your boot on the outside of the boot
Picturing the face of a clock, count would be 12, 3, 9, 3, 9, 3, 9 with ¼ left turn, 12
25 Step to the right on your right foot
26 Cross your left foot behind the right
27 Step to the right on your right foot
28 Hop on your right (left heel up beside your right knee)
29 Step to the left on the left foot
30 Cross your right behind the left foot
31 Step to the left on your left foot
32 Hop on your left (your right heel up beside your left knee)
33 Step backwards on your right
34 Step backwards on your left
35 Step back on your right
36 Hop on your right (left heel to your right knee)
37 Step forward on your left
38 Step forward on your right
39 Step forward on your left
40 Stomp your right foot beside the left
SHORTER VERSIONS: In some places, the dance is shortened to 38 counts by leaving out counts 20-21. In some places, the dance is shortened to 36 counts by leaving out counts 19-22.
Choreographer Gayle Brandon